Marriage and Premarital Classes

Marriage and Premarital Classes are a wonderful way to help you and your loved one set the foundation for stronger relationships and gain deeper love and commitment.

Classes are designed to enhance relationships in all stages; from the newly engaged to the married for years. In these classes, you and your significant other will build onto and prepare for a happier life and marriage.

1-1203879082HMCpOffered Marriage and Premarital Classes will:

  • Explore your relationship’s strengths and areas for growth and conversation.
  • Examine personal thoughts and beliefs on various family issues including relationships roles, in-laws, future children, parenting, and their effects on relationships over time.
  • Address communication patterns,  personal and relationships stressors, and teach healthier conflict resolutions strategies.


Happy CoupleClasses can be offered either in a 2- day workshop style setting or one-on-one personalized sessions.  Prices and hours vary depending upon format selected.

Call today for more information on availability for Marriage and Premarital Classes. 980-349-8119


Please note: these classes are brief in nature and are meant to be an introduction to relationship enhancement. They are not a suitable replacement for couple’s counseling for significant relationship concerns, such as infidelity or pending divorce. To address relationship concerns such as these, we highly recommend and offer a more individualized approach for the couple in counseling.





PH: 980-349-8119